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Here is the list of five habitable planets we have found so far :-

1.)  Gliese 667Cc 
Gliese 667Cc is an exoplanet found on 21 November 2011. It is the member of a triple star system Gliese 667. It is situated in Scorpius constellation approximately 23.61 light-years away from the planet earth. 

It has an orbital period of  28 earth days. It is also known as  HD 156384Cc. The exoplanet was found using the radial velocity method.  It is approx 3.7 times heavier than the
the earth. 

2.)  Kepler-186f
It was found on 17 April 2014 by Elisa Quintana. Kepler-186f is an exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf 582 light-years away from the earth. It has a radius of 7,454.1 km with an orbital period of 130 days.

It is the first planet with discovered in habitable zone which has a roughly equal radius with that of our earth. The discovery of Kepler - 186f confirms that the habitable planets like our earth exists somewhere in the universe.

 Kepler-186f is situated in the constellation of Cygnus. Although the size of Kepler-186f is known but its mass and composition is unknown.

3.)  Kepler -442b
Found on 6 January 2015 using Kepler space telescope. Kepler-442b is an exoplanet 1206 light-years away orbiting a K-type main-sequence star in the constellation of Lyra. 

It has orbital period 112  earth days. Kepler-442b is a super-earth with mass and size greater than that of earth. The surface gravity of this super-earth would be 30% more than that of earth assuming a rocky composition similar to that of earth.

4.)  Proxima Centauri b
Proxima Centauri b is the closest exoplanet in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri star which is the closet star system to the sun.

Discovered on 24 august 2016 this planet has an orbital period of  11 days with the approximately surface temperature of  - 40 degrees celsius. It has a mass at least 1.3 times the mass of the earth. 

5.) Rose 128b
Rose 128b is an earth-sized exoplanet situated 11 light-years away from the earth. It receives 38 %      more sunlight from its star than the earth from the sun.

It is possible that this planet contains liquid water. It was discovered on 15 November 2017 using the radial velocity method. Rose 128b was discovered by  Xavier Bonfils at La Silla Observatory and it has an orbital period of 237 hours.

It is expected to be a temperature suitable for liquid water to exist on the surface. If it has an atmosphere.



  1. wondering if one day we will survive on one of the mentioned planet.

    thanks 4 the thorough research and clear writing .

    excited for more posts


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